Comments on: We are Moving Home to Cincinnati: Questions and Answers Jay and Kelly Larbes’s blog about living in Madrid, Spain (and formerly, Split, Croatia) to see more of the world while they are young and childless. Tue, 17 Jun 2014 19:08:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jay Larbes Sun, 12 Dec 2010 20:50:08 +0000 Pat, thanks for such kind words. We have missed you, and all of our family and friends in Cincinnati, very dearly as well. For me, being away from everyone we like, care about and love has been by far the most difficult part* of living abroad.

*A not-very-close second: having some kind of sporting event to watch every single day on an HDTV — I haven’t had that at all since we’ve been gone, and definitely miss it, too. I always have to wait until 6pm or 7pm on the weekends for sports to begin. But I am lucky that I have my Slingbox so that I can watch USA sports when they are on. In fact, I’m watching the Bengals lose to the Steelers right now. I’m sad, I know…

That said, living abroad has been an amazing journey and experience. We have had the opportunity to immerse ourselves in two different cultures, meet new people and make new friends, learn about different ways of life, learn more about ourselves, and travel to many amazing destinations. If I was asked today if I would do it over again, absolutely I would.

Wow, I’ll be back in Cincinnati in 21 days. It hasn’t quite hit home yet, but I’m sure it will soon. I feel both happy and sad about returning home. Happy to be back home, with family, with friends, with familiarity. Sad that our unique adventure has come to an end. But, we have many new and different adventures to look forward to!

By: Pat Sun, 12 Dec 2010 20:17:03 +0000 It’s so great to hear the official announcement. Jay had filled me in on the plans, but it’s exciting to imagine you guys back in town. Please keep me updated with as much detail as possible. If you need any help with things while you’re still “abroad”, please let me know and I’ll definitely see what I can do. I’ve missed you guys dearly and I can’t wait to see you again!
