Comments on: great architecture, food, shopping, and baths in budapest Jay and Kelly Larbes’s blog about living in Madrid, Spain (and formerly, Split, Croatia) to see more of the world while they are young and childless. Tue, 17 Jun 2014 19:08:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kelly Larbes Thu, 10 Jun 2010 19:39:58 +0000 Alison – I’d definitely recommend a trip to Budapest to anyone who can make it to Eastern Europe. It really is a beautiful city that I’d be happy to visit again.

Paula – I am glad we could visit together. Agreed – we needed more meals there!

Dad and Mom – Thank you for the kind words. You always make me smile.

By: MOM Klocke Thu, 10 Jun 2010 17:48:42 +0000 I have a book I want your brother to read and I have a travel show I want to share with both of you. Both I cannot do because you are too far away which is disappointing. I think I know how you feel when you travel and you wish you could share your experiences with everyone and it is disappointing because they are far away. So the next best thing is to share your pictures and blogs. I know you spend many hours working on the pictures and your blog. But, so many people read and really appreciate you for sharing your experiences with us. It will be the only way many people will get to travel to these places…through your words and pictures. Besides the fact that you are sharing your life with us, you are also doing it so professionally. As a mother I am sooooo proud of you and your accomplishments. Your abilities of writing, photography, and putting it all together on the computer is outstanding. Everytime you write a blog I desire to go and experience what you have done. Thanks for taking the time and effort.

By: dad Klocke Thu, 10 Jun 2010 17:01:14 +0000 AS usual, a great article about Budapest. I will be visiting this beautiful town in the next several years. I may go in the fall of 2011. I am really interested in visiting the Parliament, Opera House and hot baths- pools. I read about Budapest for several years in regard to river cruises. Keep on writing.

By: Paula Babic Wed, 09 Jun 2010 13:06:41 +0000 Kelly Id been reading all your blogs trips and was always so impressed with how much effort you put into planning and reseaching for each trip… so I was pretty quick to say ‘yes’ to coming along on one, and it was fantastic! From the hotel, to the restaurant to the walking tour and postal museum, I think we covered Budapest pretty well in 45hours… And it rates as one of the best cities Ive experienced, so thanks again, I loved it 🙂 Only complaint I had was that there was soooo many great restaurants to eat at…. BUT soooo few meals in the day to enjoy them all 🙂

By: Alison Wed, 09 Jun 2010 12:43:33 +0000 Wow! This looks incredible. Another one for the must visit list!
